Emergency Dentist Beaverton

You Can Count On Us for Immediate Help

Beaverton emergency dentist treating a dental patient

Unsure where to turn when a dental emergency occurs? Fearful of what might happen to a knocked-out tooth if you don’t get help right away? You can put these concerns and worries to rest. At Wolfe Dental Cedar Mill, you can count on our emergency dentist in Beaverton for immediate help, which means you are welcome to call our dental office for first-aid recommendations and same-day appointments when faced with a sudden dental crisis.


Why Choose Wolfe Dental Cedar Mill for Emergency Dentistry?

  • Same-Day Emergency Appointments Available
  • First-Aid Help From a Dental Team That Cares
  • Your Dental Insurance Benefits Are Maximized


How to Handle Common Dental Emergencies

Handling common dental emergencies requires staying calm and knowing what to do when faced with an accidental injury, severe toothache, or a more serious infection. Our team is here to provide helpful tips and recommendations so that you do not cause more harm to your smile while waiting to get in to see us.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

Woman brushing her teeth

It might seem impossible, but there are ways to prevent dental emergencies. While some are sudden accidents that cannot be avoided, we’ve provided some tips to help you safeguard your smile so that you don’t need a trip to the emergency dentist’s office:

  • Make sure to stay on top of your oral hygiene routine
  • Keep your six-month dental checkups and teeth cleaning appointments
  • Eat a healthy, nutrient-rich, low-sugar, low-carb diet
  • Wear a protective mouthguard if you decide to play sports
  • Wear a nightguard if you grind your teeth while you sleep
  • Give up unhealthy habits like smoking and biting your fingernails, as they can lead to infection and damaged teeth

The Cost of Treating Dental Emergencies

Woman in dental chair holding her cheek in pain

Treating a dental emergency will usually not cost much when considering the initial appointment. Most dental insurance companies offer one free emergency exam each year; however, it is largely the restorative care that you might need to fix the problem. Depending on your plan, your insurance company may cover 50-80% of the total cost, but you’ll need to review your policy before agreeing to move forward with treatment.

TMJ/TMD Treatment

Man holding his jaw in pain

Chronic jaw pain can make it almost impossible to move through daily life. When you feel nothing but pain when opening and closing your mouth, it can become exhausting. Whether caused by bruxism (teeth grinding), a misaligned bite, or facial trauma, you can trust us to help with TMJ/TMD treatment. Using BOTOX injections, occlusal adjustments, and customized occlusal splints, we can help alleviate pain and allow for more fluid jaw motion. Over time, you will notice a dramatic difference in how your mouth functions, creating a more enjoyable way of life.


Dental Emergency FAQs

What should I keep in my emergency dentistry kit?

Having a designated kit for dental emergencies may seem excessive… until you or a loved one sustains a dental injury. If you don’t already have a bag or container near your First Aid Kit with the following items, now is a good time to create one:

  • A small, clean container that can hold a tooth or restoration
  • Dental cement (or other temporary filling material)
  • Denture adhesive
  • Floss
  • The contact information of our dental practice

It’s also a good idea to keep items that aren’t dental emergency-specific in the same place, including sterile gloves (ideally nitrile), gauze pads, OTC pain medication (like ibuprofen), and floss.

What does chronic bad breath mean?

Sometimes, chronic bad breath is simply the result of a diet filled with fish, garlic, onions, and other pungent foods. Other times, it’s the result of tooth decay, gum disease, or another untreated oral health problem. So, if there is an unpleasant odor on your breath that doesn’t go away even after brushing and flossing your teeth, it’s important that you schedule an appointment with Dr. Ben Wolfe or Dr. Michael Yesenofski for an emergency exam.

Will my toothache go away on its own?

Technically, a toothache can go away, but not because the root of the problem is gone. For example, an infection that’s left alone to progress can “kill” the nerve of the tooth, making it no longer able to register pain. As you can imagine, this is not good news, even though the toothache has technically gone away. That’s why we strongly recommend reaching out to our Cedar Mill dental team when the symptoms first arise; we want to intervene with the necessary restorative care before the root of the problem worsens.

Do chipped teeth heal?

No, chipped teeth cannot heal on their own. In other words, the only way to restore the missing structure of your tooth is to come to our office so we can provide the necessary restorative or cosmetic care. Rest assured, we will review all of your treatment options with you at your appointment so you feel fully confident moving forward.

Can superglue be used to repair broken dentures?

Superglue should never be used to repair broken dentures because it contains toxins that shouldn’t be ingested. Plus, this household adhesive can affect the way food tastes and won’t last very long in a damp environment like your mouth. Simply put, if your denture breaks, don’t try to use something you have at home to repair it; call us ASAP to schedule an appointment.

Is my tooth pain from an infection?

It’s possible! However, this symptom could also be the result of a different problem, like a crack in your enamel, which is why we need to conduct a comprehensive oral exam before making any treatment recommendations.



If your toothache is due to a piece of lodged food between your teeth, make sure to rinse with warm water and use dental floss to remove it. If the pain does not subside or you find that a lodged object is not the problem, simply take an over-the-counter pain reliever and wait for your appointment. It could be that an infection has formed and needs professional treatment.

Chipped Tooth

Broken Tooth

If you have a broken tooth, it’s important that you do not try to chew on that side of your mouth. Because the tooth is likely to have jagged edges, place orthodontic wax over it so that your soft oral tissues remain protected. If you can, try to retrieve the piece(s) and bring them with you to your appointment.

Very Sensitive Teeth

Knocked-Out Tooth

A knocked-out tooth requires timely care if it is to be reattached. Retrieve the tooth and rinse your mouth. If possible, try to reinsert it into the vacant socket and gently bite down to hold it in place. If this is not possible, place it in a container of milk and bring it with you to your appointment at our dental office near Cedar Hills.

Lost Filling/Crown

It’s natural to become panicked when dealing with a lost dental crown or filling, but it’s important to remain calm. Simply retrieve the restoration (if possible) and bring it to your appointment. With a dental crown, you can use dental cement to try and temporarily put it back in place. If you would rather wait, that is fine. In the meantime, do not chew on that side of your mouth, and be careful while brushing and flossing to avoid further irritation.

Broken Denture

Loose Permanent Tooth

Injury to the Gums, Lips, or Tongue

Jaw Pain

Something Stuck Between the Teeth